
Showing posts from May, 2016

How was your night? Realities of looking after my special child

The sleepless nights you have: because he can't sleep, you also can't sleep. He doesn't eat, you also don't eat. He's frustrated, you're also frustrated. Physically and observing him during the day, there seems to be nothing wrong, but you know he isn't ok. Then you know it's going to be a long night. He's restless and you just cant find the reason why. My child is my daily bread, if he's sad I'm sad, if he eats I eat, if he has no appetite, I have no appetite, if he's happy, I'm happy. A mother's priority is always the well-being of her child.and if he isn't alright, you're not going to sleep for sure. The sleepless nights usually start with seizures. The pain I feel for my child when he has a seizure and there is nothing I can do. He looks into my eyes and you can see he is in pain and he is almost asking 'why is this happening to me' and you can't explain. All you can do is hold him close and shower...

Miracle in the Works!

I promised I would share this testimony with everyone I know and hope in some way it will touch your heart to take life more seriously, and be thankful for what we have; so here goes: On Friday February 13th 2015, a year ago today I was rushed πŸš‘ to Tema General Hospital for an emergency Surgery because I had intestinal obstruction, a ruptured meckel's diverticulum, and perforated intestines. The previous year I was always feeling faint and always thirsty. Little did I know that the passed year of my life, everything I ate was passing through the holes in my intestines and had gradually made my system gangrene. The doctors had wondered how I had survived this whole time. Not to forget I was also about 18wks pregnant. I had a NG tube shoved down my throat through my nose πŸ‘ƒπŸ½while vomiting throughout the process (they couldn't wait till I was sedated as my condition when I arrived at the hospital was almost passing out). I was told my son wouldn't make it through the surge...

Staying positive minded in a potentially depressive situation

Some days it's hard, and some days it's really hard. It doesn't get easy, anybody that tells you that is liar. Having a special needs child is like having twins, double the work, double the trouble 😊, double the attention, double the care, double the expenses, double the everything. Family may support, friends may support, but at a certain point in the day you are left all alone with your child and you have to deal. The devil is always lurking,oh yeh he's always watching from the background, waiting to see if you'll lose your patience, if you'll cry or give up, God is always there too watching for the same things, but His mission is to help; To encourage you, to console you, to catch your tears. If you think you will be satisfied with support from family and friends, I'm here to burst your bubble, they will support to some extent but they won't always be there and they certainly won't understand what you're going through the way Jesus does...