How was your night? Realities of looking after my special child
The sleepless nights you have: because he can't sleep, you also can't sleep. He doesn't eat, you also don't eat. He's frustrated, you're also frustrated. Physically and observing him during the day, there seems to be nothing wrong, but you know he isn't ok. Then you know it's going to be a long night. He's restless and you just cant find the reason why. My child is my daily bread, if he's sad I'm sad, if he eats I eat, if he has no appetite, I have no appetite, if he's happy, I'm happy. A mother's priority is always the well-being of her child.and if he isn't alright, you're not going to sleep for sure. The sleepless nights usually start with seizures. The pain I feel for my child when he has a seizure and there is nothing I can do. He looks into my eyes and you can see he is in pain and he is almost asking 'why is this happening to me' and you can't explain. All you can do is hold him close and shower...