Miracle in the Works!
I promised I would share this testimony with everyone I know and hope in some way it will touch your heart to take life more seriously, and be thankful for what we have; so here goes:
On Friday February 13th 2015, a year ago today I was rushed ๐ to Tema General Hospital for an emergency Surgery because I had intestinal obstruction, a ruptured meckel's diverticulum, and perforated intestines. The previous year I was always feeling faint and always thirsty. Little did I know that the passed year of my life, everything I ate was passing through the holes in my intestines and had gradually made my system gangrene. The doctors had wondered how I had survived this whole time. Not to forget I was also about 18wks pregnant. I had a NG tube shoved down my throat through my nose ๐๐ฝwhile vomiting throughout the process (they couldn't wait till I was sedated as my condition when I arrived at the hospital was almost passing out). I was told my son wouldn't make it through the surgery due to the anesthetia but they would do their best and even if he made it through that he would probably die due to all the medications I would be taking post-surgery.
That was a lot to deal with at the time: newly married, new job, new home and pregnant and then this? I went into theatre not expecting to come out. Waking up from the anesthetia,, I was hallucinating, shouting and was in so much pain. When I was finally moved into the ward I could barely move, my husband had to carry me or sort of slide me into the bed in the ward. I remember pulling my mother and telling her not to leave me there, I was upset and still not totally conscious of what I was saying or doing. On Valentine's Day I found myself in the hospital, I slept for the most part of it because the pain was too much. My husband brought me flowers that day, that was the only thing that put a smile on my face. I kept asking for pethadane but the nurses discouraged me from taking it so often because it would hurt the baby. But the pain was so much I just couldn't bare. I started having suicidal thoughts, but the type where I just wanted to fall asleep and not wake again. I was tired of fighting, I was ready to just give up. This was no C section by the way, I was cut vertically from my belly button down to my groin, they call it a laparotomy.
Every morning when the doctor's would come round they never really had any hope on their faces. My system was completely down and the foetus also fighting for the little nutrients it could get. I wasn't healing and the doctors were worried. The baby also wasn't moving at the time.
Ten days after the surgery, when the stitches came out, unfortunately I hadn't healed at all, and had a small infection. As soon as the two bottom stiches were released, puss oozed out of the wound. The doctor had to press everything out and clean the wound, it was less painful than the general pain I was feeling. I endured that pain pretty well and I was even relieved after they had pressed everything out. My system was still down and I had to take all sorts of meds to boost it, including human albumin which costs an arm and a leg by the way. God bless my parents for going all out in getting my medications.
So I went in for another surgery to resuture the wound. This time round I walked into the theatre. The doctors told me I was just going in to have a few stitches. I wasn't aware my fascia had opened up and there was major work to be done. I met the anesthesiologist and he asked me whether I'm spiritual. That made me uncomfortable I don't know why but I told him I pray. He then told me how gruesome my surgery was and how it was a miracle both the baby and I survived. He said he didn't think we would because all odds were against us but he realized that either I'm spiritual or I have some serious prayer warriors backing me.
The second surgery was the hardest, because I was in so much pain after and stayed in bed for days not motivated to walk or do anything. My mother and husband came every single day to motivate me and cheer me up. But I was depressed and had given up on God. I also had severe contractions, as if the baby wanted to come out. I was out on a number of medications to stop the contractions. It felt like I was in labour and the contractions were strong and frequent for more than a week, yet I did not feel like pushing. Giovanni was super active in my tummy, constantly moving and I think he was probably lacking a lot of nutrients and other things.
I was hospitalized for one month and I was lucky to have amazing nurses and a team of surgeons who were super concerned about my well-being. My IV line was changed 27 times while in hospital. 27... ๐, I believe at 27, I just stopped counting after that. My skin and veins were sensitive, after 24hrs my arm would be swollen and in pain from the IV line.
Lying in the hospital made me give up; I started getting irritated with some of the patients especially the ones that would make noise all night and then decide to sleep in the morning. I also got irritated with the people that came preaching every morning, they were just making noise in my ears and I disliked the praise and worship in the morning. I had lost hope because my healing was very slow it was like I wasn't making any progress, thought I would never leave the hospital, especially when the doctors would do their rounds in the morning, they would gather round me looking at my wound with nothing much to say and not much enthusiasm. I thought I would never heal. I saw people get discharged every day, at least every three to four days,there would be new faces on the ward. I also witnessed 3 deaths while admitted, painful deaths one of a women with burns, one lady with cancer and the other lady who was admitted in the night and died within hours.
One calm boring day, some gentleman walked in one afternoon and prayed for me and gave me a book that spoke about healing by Pastor Chris from Christ Embassy church. Now I'm not a fan of charismatic churches and I'm the number one critic of them all, but I had nothing else to do so I read the book. Infact everyone that came in holding a bible, I turned away because they were just annoying to see and talk to and they made me more sad. But this gentleman in particular approached me ever so nicely and sofly nad the way he even spoke to me. The book motivated me and gave me hope that I would be ok. And also made me realise that sickness is not from God.
When I was finally fed up of being bitten by mosquitoes the size of groundnuts, I begged the doctors to discharge me, I still wasn't well and could barely walk but I convinced them I would heal faster at home. Because the hospital environment just wasn't helping: I wasn't eating properly, and I was so depressed.
My son survived my surgery and all the medications. He sacrificed his life for me. Thanks to being pregnant, my symptoms showed and that is how I was rushed to the hospital. If I wasn't pregnant I would have just been here one day and fallen and died.
Now I owe this little angel everything. Giovanni you are so brave, I'm so sorry you are suffering because of the surgeries and medication I took. I am so sorry that life is going to be different for you and you won't be like other kids. But I'm forever grateful you saved my life.
People keep saying I should have terminated the pregnancy. But I was told the baby was fine and growing well. Before I was even told that and I was having serious contractions I had already made up my mind he was a keeper. And when I see my son every day I'm so happy I made that decision. He has changed my view on life forever and for the best. And he has also made me believe that God is gracious and miracles do happen. And that is why we gave him the name Giovanni which has quite a number of meanings but the meaning I love best is "God is gracious" because that is exactly what God did for both of us, he showed grace on both my son and I even though we did not deserve it.
A few lessons I have learned from this experience:
1. I'm sharing this testimony today to tell others not to give up on God. Times are going to be rough and people will let you down, family will let you down but God has always got your back.
2. And to the parents with special children, God chose you for a reason, these children are here to change people probably even you the parent.
3. Ghana National Health Insurance Scheme to some extent works, I wasn't on it at the time but if I was I would have spent a lot less money on the surgery and treatment.
4. Cherish your spouse, you will argue and fight and the hurricanes will come and shake your marriage. But trust in God to keep it strong!
5. There are absolutely no laws in Ghana on working parents of special needs children. Nothing that allows for you to take special time off should you need to take them to the hospital or therapy. This is very disturbing. I wish our dear lawyers would look into this.
6. The first two weeks I spent in hospital I didn't contact anyone and it was the most peaceful two weeks I've ever had away from social media. It was refreshing.
7. People actually think I have the time to hold grudges, be angry or upset, argue; well I've got news for you, I don't. I only have time to be happy. Learn to let go of things, it's really a waste of time dwelling on an unnecessary argument or being upset with someone. Do not dwell on trivial issues, it's not worth the time or energy. Be happy!
8. Always remember, you are not the only one. Someone some where out there is going through probably something worse than you. So try your best to keep a good humor around people. Showing the devil you are suffering or in pain gives him a lot of stuff to feed on.
9. Prayer really really works! I don't know how many times God has saved me or done something wonderful in my life.
I hope my testimony touches you and encourages you not to give up on God when times are rough and not to be angry with him when you go through challenges.
I picked the version from the Message. Jeremiah 29:10-11 : "This is God’s Word on the subject: “As soon as Babylon’s seventy years are up and not a day before, I’ll show up and take care of you as I promised and bring you back home. I know what I’m doing. I have it all planned out—plans to take care of you, not abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for."
The God we serve will never abandon us!!
Have a blessed day!
On Friday February 13th 2015, a year ago today I was rushed ๐ to Tema General Hospital for an emergency Surgery because I had intestinal obstruction, a ruptured meckel's diverticulum, and perforated intestines. The previous year I was always feeling faint and always thirsty. Little did I know that the passed year of my life, everything I ate was passing through the holes in my intestines and had gradually made my system gangrene. The doctors had wondered how I had survived this whole time. Not to forget I was also about 18wks pregnant. I had a NG tube shoved down my throat through my nose ๐๐ฝwhile vomiting throughout the process (they couldn't wait till I was sedated as my condition when I arrived at the hospital was almost passing out). I was told my son wouldn't make it through the surgery due to the anesthetia but they would do their best and even if he made it through that he would probably die due to all the medications I would be taking post-surgery.
That was a lot to deal with at the time: newly married, new job, new home and pregnant and then this? I went into theatre not expecting to come out. Waking up from the anesthetia,, I was hallucinating, shouting and was in so much pain. When I was finally moved into the ward I could barely move, my husband had to carry me or sort of slide me into the bed in the ward. I remember pulling my mother and telling her not to leave me there, I was upset and still not totally conscious of what I was saying or doing. On Valentine's Day I found myself in the hospital, I slept for the most part of it because the pain was too much. My husband brought me flowers that day, that was the only thing that put a smile on my face. I kept asking for pethadane but the nurses discouraged me from taking it so often because it would hurt the baby. But the pain was so much I just couldn't bare. I started having suicidal thoughts, but the type where I just wanted to fall asleep and not wake again. I was tired of fighting, I was ready to just give up. This was no C section by the way, I was cut vertically from my belly button down to my groin, they call it a laparotomy.
Every morning when the doctor's would come round they never really had any hope on their faces. My system was completely down and the foetus also fighting for the little nutrients it could get. I wasn't healing and the doctors were worried. The baby also wasn't moving at the time.
Ten days after the surgery, when the stitches came out, unfortunately I hadn't healed at all, and had a small infection. As soon as the two bottom stiches were released, puss oozed out of the wound. The doctor had to press everything out and clean the wound, it was less painful than the general pain I was feeling. I endured that pain pretty well and I was even relieved after they had pressed everything out. My system was still down and I had to take all sorts of meds to boost it, including human albumin which costs an arm and a leg by the way. God bless my parents for going all out in getting my medications.
So I went in for another surgery to resuture the wound. This time round I walked into the theatre. The doctors told me I was just going in to have a few stitches. I wasn't aware my fascia had opened up and there was major work to be done. I met the anesthesiologist and he asked me whether I'm spiritual. That made me uncomfortable I don't know why but I told him I pray. He then told me how gruesome my surgery was and how it was a miracle both the baby and I survived. He said he didn't think we would because all odds were against us but he realized that either I'm spiritual or I have some serious prayer warriors backing me.
The second surgery was the hardest, because I was in so much pain after and stayed in bed for days not motivated to walk or do anything. My mother and husband came every single day to motivate me and cheer me up. But I was depressed and had given up on God. I also had severe contractions, as if the baby wanted to come out. I was out on a number of medications to stop the contractions. It felt like I was in labour and the contractions were strong and frequent for more than a week, yet I did not feel like pushing. Giovanni was super active in my tummy, constantly moving and I think he was probably lacking a lot of nutrients and other things.
I was hospitalized for one month and I was lucky to have amazing nurses and a team of surgeons who were super concerned about my well-being. My IV line was changed 27 times while in hospital. 27... ๐, I believe at 27, I just stopped counting after that. My skin and veins were sensitive, after 24hrs my arm would be swollen and in pain from the IV line.
Lying in the hospital made me give up; I started getting irritated with some of the patients especially the ones that would make noise all night and then decide to sleep in the morning. I also got irritated with the people that came preaching every morning, they were just making noise in my ears and I disliked the praise and worship in the morning. I had lost hope because my healing was very slow it was like I wasn't making any progress, thought I would never leave the hospital, especially when the doctors would do their rounds in the morning, they would gather round me looking at my wound with nothing much to say and not much enthusiasm. I thought I would never heal. I saw people get discharged every day, at least every three to four days,there would be new faces on the ward. I also witnessed 3 deaths while admitted, painful deaths one of a women with burns, one lady with cancer and the other lady who was admitted in the night and died within hours.
One calm boring day, some gentleman walked in one afternoon and prayed for me and gave me a book that spoke about healing by Pastor Chris from Christ Embassy church. Now I'm not a fan of charismatic churches and I'm the number one critic of them all, but I had nothing else to do so I read the book. Infact everyone that came in holding a bible, I turned away because they were just annoying to see and talk to and they made me more sad. But this gentleman in particular approached me ever so nicely and sofly nad the way he even spoke to me. The book motivated me and gave me hope that I would be ok. And also made me realise that sickness is not from God.
When I was finally fed up of being bitten by mosquitoes the size of groundnuts, I begged the doctors to discharge me, I still wasn't well and could barely walk but I convinced them I would heal faster at home. Because the hospital environment just wasn't helping: I wasn't eating properly, and I was so depressed.
My son survived my surgery and all the medications. He sacrificed his life for me. Thanks to being pregnant, my symptoms showed and that is how I was rushed to the hospital. If I wasn't pregnant I would have just been here one day and fallen and died.
People keep saying I should have terminated the pregnancy. But I was told the baby was fine and growing well. Before I was even told that and I was having serious contractions I had already made up my mind he was a keeper. And when I see my son every day I'm so happy I made that decision. He has changed my view on life forever and for the best. And he has also made me believe that God is gracious and miracles do happen. And that is why we gave him the name Giovanni which has quite a number of meanings but the meaning I love best is "God is gracious" because that is exactly what God did for both of us, he showed grace on both my son and I even though we did not deserve it.
A few lessons I have learned from this experience:
1. I'm sharing this testimony today to tell others not to give up on God. Times are going to be rough and people will let you down, family will let you down but God has always got your back.
2. And to the parents with special children, God chose you for a reason, these children are here to change people probably even you the parent.
3. Ghana National Health Insurance Scheme to some extent works, I wasn't on it at the time but if I was I would have spent a lot less money on the surgery and treatment.
4. Cherish your spouse, you will argue and fight and the hurricanes will come and shake your marriage. But trust in God to keep it strong!
5. There are absolutely no laws in Ghana on working parents of special needs children. Nothing that allows for you to take special time off should you need to take them to the hospital or therapy. This is very disturbing. I wish our dear lawyers would look into this.
6. The first two weeks I spent in hospital I didn't contact anyone and it was the most peaceful two weeks I've ever had away from social media. It was refreshing.
7. People actually think I have the time to hold grudges, be angry or upset, argue; well I've got news for you, I don't. I only have time to be happy. Learn to let go of things, it's really a waste of time dwelling on an unnecessary argument or being upset with someone. Do not dwell on trivial issues, it's not worth the time or energy. Be happy!
8. Always remember, you are not the only one. Someone some where out there is going through probably something worse than you. So try your best to keep a good humor around people. Showing the devil you are suffering or in pain gives him a lot of stuff to feed on.
9. Prayer really really works! I don't know how many times God has saved me or done something wonderful in my life.
I hope my testimony touches you and encourages you not to give up on God when times are rough and not to be angry with him when you go through challenges.
I picked the version from the Message. Jeremiah 29:10-11 : "This is God’s Word on the subject: “As soon as Babylon’s seventy years are up and not a day before, I’ll show up and take care of you as I promised and bring you back home. I know what I’m doing. I have it all planned out—plans to take care of you, not abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for."
The God we serve will never abandon us!!
Have a blessed day!
Beautiful!God bless you for sharing ,He will perfect that which concerns you and dear Giovanni!May his peace invade your heart :)
ReplyDeleteThis is a beautiful testimoney Genevive, I've been following your journey - your strength is amazing as is the support of the people around you. Thank you for sharing and highlighting the importance of healthcare services for special needs children and their families. Love, light and blessings to you, Baby Giovanni and your family.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much
DeleteAwesome testimony. Thanks for sharing. May you and your household enjoy the peace of God forever. You are blessed indeed!!
ReplyDeleteThank you and wishing the same for you.
DeleteAwesome testimony. Thanks for sharing. May you and your household enjoy the peace of God forever. You are blessed indeed!!
ReplyDeleteGod will come through when the time is right that is what I picked from this. God bless you and keep your family. He is able to make baby Giovanni whole again my prayer for you in Jesus name!
ReplyDeleteAmen to that. Thanks
DeleteTruly inspiring. Thanks to God for your life and your son's.
ReplyDeleteTruly inspiring. Thanks to God for your life and your son's.
ReplyDeleteGod is able to do just what He said He would do. He's gonna fulfill every promise to you. Done give up on God cos He won't give up on you. He's able!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteThis is so touching....God is so awesome. May God give him wisdom and also a miracle healing just as his name. Thanks for sharing and stay bless
ReplyDeleteHis name is everything to me. lol Thanks and God bless you too.
DeleteNice. God bless you
ReplyDeleteThis is a beautiful testimony, thanks for sharing. May God continue to perfect the work He has begun in your life!
ReplyDeleteHe's so cute..l thank God for your life and that of handsome Giovanni.He's a blessing to the World!
ReplyDeleteThis is so touching. May God continue to bless you and your family Ginny!
ReplyDeleteGod bless you and your beautiful baby. May he continue to grant you grace. Your baby is truly special. Hearing your story, I believe Gio has a Godly purpose for this life that will be manifested through you.
ReplyDeleteMy eyes are filled with tears. We serve a living God. Giovanni will grow to be a perfect person and he will share this testimony to the Glory of God. I pray that God gives you and your husband the strength, love, grace , favour and every need and want for a better and happy life as a family.
ReplyDeleteJesus did it on the cross, so that we may live. The devil has no hold over our lives.
Jesus has conquered it all.
Stay blessed
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ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteWe indeed serve a Living God. Thank you for sharing your story. This is one touching testimony.
ReplyDeleteAm happy to hear from you.. I have been following your story all this while. Thank God for your life and ur baby. God will forever keep you and your family. God bless you....
ReplyDeleteGod bless you too
DeleteYou really are a strong woman. Your perspective on what you have and are going through is really inspiring. I pray God continues to grant you the Grace you need to go through this journey.
ReplyDeleteThank you. Appreciate it.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteAmazing content, a lot of amazing websites which is actually new for me
ReplyDeleteDigital Miracle Year Album
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ReplyDeleteYour journey through a life-threatening emergency surgery while being 18 weeks pregnant is truly remarkable. The challenges you faced, including intestinal obstruction and perforated intestines, highlight the importance of timely medical intervention and skilled surgical teams. Despite the odds, your strength and resilience, along with the efforts of the medical professionals, led to a successful outcome. The use of Operation Theater OT Table played a crucial role in ensuring effective surgical procedures during this critical time.