Self Liberation
***I am Not Perfect, in Fact I'm Far From It *** Being a special needs mother has taught me a lot and I would like to encourage other mothers to keep going. It's sad to see a mother fed up, discouraged, dishevelled and drained. I always come across a few and I also get down sometimes but it never lasts long. I always want to portray positivity and good energy. A few tips I would like to share that I have learned and I'm still learning through this journey of being a mum to a child with special needs, and I hope it will encourage all other mothers out there who feel discouraged, worn out or neglected. Be at Peace With Your Situation The first thing is to accept your child's condition. It's not easy at the beginning but with the right support, it should be ok. People think accepting the condition means you've given up on God. It simply means you are at peace with yourself and your situation and you've left it in the hands of God. I know people t...