The Nanny Conundrum

26!... 26! This kept playing over and over in my head. Has it really been that many? Did I loose count? As I sat to listen to my nanny tell me she is leaving that evening, and my mind went blank for a bit, then I told her thank you for her services and dismissed her. I was too tired and too dazed to wonder why she was leaving, it was always the same excuses anyway: too little pay, long hours, Giovanni is too heavy, a misunderstanding perhaps, they just can't do the job, their back hurts, I could go on and on. I decided to sit down and with my fingers I started mentioning the names of each nanny, carer that has ever looked after our son. 26. A whooping 26, ladies and gentlemen! Now people will have mixed feelings about who is to blame, yes there were misunderstandings in some cases, others were sacked and some left because they simply couldn't handle it. 26 ladies; young and middle-aged have passed through this house. I'm very particular about nannies and c...