At 3 days old, Giovanni was diagnosed with two rare conditions: microcephaly and craniosynostosis after a CT scan. His sutures appeared closed and his head was abnormally small according to the doctors. And so this is where our journey began, of seeing doctor after doctor, specialist after specialist, trying to find exactly what was wrong with my baba.
After seeing several doctors in Ghana, who confirmed what the CT scan showed, we raised money and flew to South Africa thinking we were going to do surgery to open up his skull, only to be told by the doctor something different. Something we weren't expecting at all.
At 10 weeks old Giovanni had a MRI scan in Cape Town, South Africa and the doctor told us mysteriously that Giovanni did NOT have craniosynostis like we had thought but confirmed it would be more of a neurological problem that couldn't be corrected by surgery. After the trip to Cape Town, we came back to Ghana even more baffled about Giovanni. I knew something was wrong but I just coundn't put my finger to it. At 6 months Giovanni was oficially diagnosed with spastic quadriplegic cerebral palsy, microcephaly and other conditions.
I started this blog because I want people to know about my son's conditions (microcephaly, cerebral palsy, epilepsy, west syndrome, etc.), I want to raise awareness by letting people into our daily lives and and I want people to have faith in the Lord when they feel they have been left for dead (not in the literal sense please lol). I probably should have started the blog with this very post, ahaha. It also serves as a stress reliever, believe me, I do get stressed regardless of my positive attitude towards life and that of my son's life. People tend to hide their children's conditions but I don't believe in that, I want to break that barrier and increase awareness.
Anyway and so it begins, I have a beautiful son. I shower him with kisses as much as I can. How he loves to be cuddled and kissed. Makes him feel secure and most of all loved. When my son feels secure his spasms stop, when he feels loved he overcomes his fears. Just like any other 11 month old baby, my son is beginning to understand what we say around him. He understands no and sometimes throws a fit. Lol. He calls out to you when you're too busy on your phone and don't give him attention. And he understands when doctors show their disapproval as to why he was born in the first place. Yes, I've encountered doctors that feel the pregnancy should have been terminated to prevent my suffering and my son's suffering I guess. Giovanni hears it and he understands. Sometimes I want to push my fingers in his ears or filter the information. But hey, that is life, not everything you hear will be nice and you hve to choose to listen or block it out. I choose the latter most of the time :-).
When you have a child you sometimes let your appearance go, when you have a special needs child it's even worse, nothing else matters but your child. Appearance becomes the least of your worries. Giovanni has been sick on and off for the passed few weeks and so my hair is a mess, my eyebrows look terrible and indeed I don't look groomed 😂😂. How do I even think of these things when my child randomly falls sick almost every week? Where is the time to do my hair, put my feet up, relax, have a drink. It all sounds surreal. But yeh when you don't get to do these things, you genuinely appreciate the time you used to have for them. As I write this, I'm braiding my hair but I'm itching to go home and see him. My mother watches him when I'm not around but it's hard especially with the medications he has to take. They are so dangerous that I can't have any random nanny give it to him. It's also very difficult to leave him with anyone. Apart from not being so trusting, I am truly the only one that understands him. He communicates with me and I know whether he's upset, hungry, gassy, or just wants to sleep. Funny but not many people understand Giovanni's body language and this is a problem when leaving him for some hours. I could also call someone to come braid my hair but that means it will take half of my day, as it will only be one person doing it.
Apart from not getting time for my physical appearance, I don't get time for social life; going out to meet with friends is a chore and the thought of leaving Giovanni even for a couple of hours hurts. Especially evening outings but people don't seem to get. Friends try and make plans with me but don't realise to get someone to babysit is sometimes stressful especially someone to babysit in the evenings. I know my son better than anyone else so leaving him alone can be difficult. He has a different way of expressing himself and because I read a lot on his conditions, I tend to understand him way more than others. Like I said already, it's hard to leave my schmukums.
Since I was pregnant up until now, every week I receive an email from one of them baby websites reminding me about the milestones each week the baby should be crossing by now. Little did I know I won't be need those emails. At first when I read them, I would be disheartened and ask God why. Then when I read the bottom of the link they will always tell you that this is the average and not what necessarily every baby should be doing but it's just a measuring stick. This sometimes relieved me but then again it was painful and discouraging reading these things. I stopped paying so much attention to milestones and have accepted that Giovanni will make progress in his own time and as God wants. And when he makes that progress it would be awesome.
I know my son has so many capabilities because he is strong. He has a lion's heart, brave and strong. He's a real fighter and I know he will overcome many obstacles in life because that is just how it is. God has promised exactly this for his children including Giovanni. He shall overcome. :-)
God bless you.
ReplyDeleteGod bless you.
ReplyDeleteYou remind me of the story of talents in the Bible... as u have appreciated God's wonderful gift to u, He will bless you even more... Giovanni is a blessing... you are a blessed mother Ginny... God is proud of u... much love and kisses to handsome Giovanni 😘
ReplyDeleteYou remind me of the story of talents in the Bible... as u have appreciated God's wonderful gift to u, He will bless you even more... Giovanni is a blessing... you are a blessed mother Ginny... God is proud of u... much love and kisses to handsome Giovanni 😘
ReplyDeleteThanks Ginny. You your baby are the strongest people I know.
ReplyDeleteHe shall indeed overcome! God bless Giovanni, you & your family. Always remember Jeremiah 29:11 & Joshua 1:9 <3
ReplyDeleteYou are a real lovey.. Gio has a fabulous mum and that picture of you two is a cracker... you sure are besties, the connection can be felt... Keep loving, keep smiling. Do make a little time when appropriate to catch on some you time. Let some trusted people in and let them share in Gios's love. so you can also have some small time. Love to the handsome Giovanni
ReplyDeleteThis is a great piece Ginny. That's an angel you're cuddling in your arms
ReplyDeleteYou are truly an amazing mum my darling God couldnt thought of a batter mum for this brave young men who saved your life
ReplyDeleteYou don't know how many people you've strengthened out there just by this positive strength and faith you've shown and the unconditional love and patience you have for Giovanni. God bless you Gini and Little Giovanni.
ReplyDeleteHe surely will my dear. I have a sister with similar issue and i have never seen her stronger and her faith is just beautiful. You are blessed.
ReplyDeletei have been following your progress and i must say you inspire me a lot.i like your courage and how you're not selfish. thank you for sharing Giovanni with us. I am always available to babysit.(seriously, seriously). have a fab day
ReplyDeleteGod will see you through this. He's faithful. I'll keep you in my prayers... continue to let us know how to assist you in everything. God bless you and Giobanni
ReplyDeleteMy girl! My friend! Thank you so much for sharing this. I just want to hug you and Giovanni right now!!! Your love, commitment and prayers is the most powerful therapy for Giovanni. You are the force of nature and your strenght will continue to keep him blessed. I look forward to seeing you soon. Gros câlin et bisous! Mame-Yaa.
ReplyDeleteIt is well.You are doing a good job and God will surely give u the strength to carry on.. Believe me u have the right attitude the baby needs now and that is all that mattters. Remember without an obstacle there is no miracle.
ReplyDeleteThis is the first time i'm reading such a blog from a Ghanaian. Many women are going through similar things and are silent because of stigmatisation. Elsewhere, these blogs are all over and people in similar situations go there to draw strength. You are an amazing mother, thanks for sharing Gio with us. Your son will be just fine, he will make progress in his own time. God bless you
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing. i've been a silent reader of your blog. I thank God for giving you the courage to share your story. i pray for continued grace and strength for you and your family.
ReplyDeleteHe sure is an overcomer. Stay Blessed Ginny, Gio aka schmukums ;) and the whole family.
ReplyDeleteYou are about the strongest woman I can think of right now. May God continue to give you the grace and patience you need for baby Gio. Your. Strength and love is all he needs. Thanks for sharing him with us and may God be with you all.
ReplyDeleteHey darling... thanx for the blog! Such big disease names for a little boy to have.
ReplyDeleteGinny dear, I think it would be good if you let Giovanni learn to trust other people other than mummy.not just for him but also for you..... just my thought. Love you girl and kisses to Giovanni
"I will restore health to you and heal you of your wound; says the Lord" Jeremiah 30:17. All is well. Amen!
ReplyDeleteHumbled by this awe-inspiring post. God bless you and Giovanni.
ReplyDeleteI had been looking for an update on Giovanni for months and had no idea you had started a blog. I'm so glad to have found you and I want to thank you for sharing your story. Giovanni truly is a special baby and God is going to use him to do amazing things. You are one special lady and a great mum. May God continue to grant you the grace to keep on keeping on. Thank you again.
ReplyDeleteGene you truly are special to your boy. You keep him going and I believe that
ReplyDeleteGod will definitely make him whole. Keep on being there for him.
Wow may God continue to guide you and fill you with the love and strength you give your son.
ReplyDeleteYou're such an amazing mother! God bless you and G
ReplyDeleteGod's grace shall continue to take you through.His grace is sufficient for you and your family. Blessings to your angel
ReplyDeleteGod's grace shall continue to take you through.His grace is sufficient for you and your family. Blessings to your angel
ReplyDeleteGod's grace shall continue to take you through.His grace is sufficient for you and your family. Blessings to your angel
ReplyDeleteGod's grace shall continue to take you through.His grace is sufficient for you and your family. Blessings to your angel
ReplyDeleteContinue to have faith in the miracle working God and draw strength from Him daily. Your son is a gift from God and He will be there for you throughout the whole journey.Your son is indeed lucky to have you. Remain blessed.