Special needs is a luxury: stigma on fund-raising for medical treatment.
Medical treatment for long term illnesses can be expenisive and therapy which helps Giovanni so much can also be super expensive. I came across an announcement today of a training Programme for parents with special needs kids: it's a one day workshop that includes snack, lunch and a certificate for an amount of 250 Ghana Cedis for the day. Now in Ghana, this is expensive for a programme that will only last a few hours and that has more to do with your daily living experiences. Now I'm wondering, why would I come sit at a programme for just a few hours to be taught things about a child I've been living with all his life? If anything I'm probably the one to share experiences with these facilitators.
Is it the assumption that parents with special needs children are rich? I really don't know... I feel just like other human beings enjoy their comfort, children with special needs should not have to pay so much for comfort, care and education. I understand that there is a different dimension and the fact that care costs extra but how about the equipment to enable them get better? Why so expensive? And why are people having workshops that cost an arm and a leg about things I can learn on my own through the experience of my child and also through the internet?
I went to a workshop very recently organised at the Accra Physiotherapy Centre and it was absolutely free. I attended and I was able to meet other parents and also learn a thing or two from those that have been caring for special needs children for several years. It was indeed an eye opener. Why can't people or NGOs organise more and more of these?
I would like to encourage anyone holding a workshop on special needs that focuses on parents especially in Ghana to try as much as possible to keep them at a low cost; especially for we parents who have extra costs for their children (having a nurse/carer at home, frequent hospital visits sometimes outside the country, physiotherapy at least twice a week, medications, and special equipment to facilitate their daily living). I would rather keep my money and spend on these things than to sit at a workshop which I might not benefit from.
some friends at the Walk |
I always thank God for the initiative friends took to raise money to help pay for Giovanni's medical expenses. You have abosolutely no idea how that money has gone a long way to help Giovanni. All the doctors we see, all the medication we buy is thanks to the money donated by both people we knew and didn't know. We were amazed by all the love and generosity people showed us. And now, some of the money will also go into purchasing equipment that will enable him to walk. My husband, my family and myself are super grateful for this.
Let's not be ashamed to raise funds for sick family members or sick friends, we are all human and it's only normal if you cannot afford health care especially for life long conditions. Be it cancer, muscular disorders, surgeries, we should all do our little part in helping others whichever way we can. It doesn't even have to be a monetary donation, a simple prayer or words of motivation always help.
I pray people especially from my side of world will stop seeing fund raising for medicals as begging and I wish more people will do it especially when it can save a life.
We are off for a medical review, wish us luck and pray for us so we find a good treatment plan for our angel!
Click here to watch the Video of the Walk on 1st August 2015
If people can support some of the craziest, shadiest, and most ridiculous fundraising campaigns you can think of, how much more partaking in such a literally life changing cause! It even begs the question. Best of wishes in your review, Giovanni. Can't wait to see you walk soon. π - Aunty Joyce
ReplyDeleteReally touching article Ginny. It really is sad that after everything parents who have kids with special needs go through should also have to pay for classes or as Ghanaians will call it 'master classes' to learn about their kids...and what for a day?!!! So shameful. It's already bad enough that these parents have to pay so much money towards the upkeep of the child i.e. with therapy and medication extra. These support groups need to be FREE so people can come and share their experiences, so parents (especially first time parents) will know what to do. This is something that definitely needs to be looked into.